Domain-Driven Design (DDD) — The Tactical Design

The building blocks of DDD tactical design

Kong To
9 min readJun 22, 2023

The domain-driven design is a technique to model and build a software with business domain centricity. In other words, it enables us to map the real-world problem-space to a modelled solution space.

The DDD approach comes with a toolbox that is split in 2 parts :

  • Strategic Design
  • Tactical Design

The strategic design has been covered previously by this article :

Please note that this article is part of My path of software craftsmanship. The intention is to share what I came to discover, understand and assimilate so you can learn something out of it.

Related articles :

Please note that the content of this article originate mostly from the “blue book” and the “red book” :

  • Domain-Driven Design



Kong To

Architect, code crafter. Code quality matters. Technical writer @TheFork, a Tripadvisor company